About Master Riven and STIR Institute

Matthew Riven


Meet Matthew Riven, a seasoned practitioner with a diverse skill set and a passion for guiding individuals toward personal growth and transformation. With over fifteen years of experience in Transactional Analysis and somatic therapies, Matthew brings a unique perspective to his work. He’s trained at the SouthEast Institute in Cary, NC, and the SagePoint Institute in Ann Arbor, MI. He’s received a Dom(me) Mastery Certification in Conscious K!nk & Domination Techniques from &More in Austin, TX—yes, it's a real thing! He is currently a teaching assistant in this year’s Dom(me) Mastery Training certification course.  As a professionally-trained Dom, Matthew specializes in using k!nk within a somatic framework, helping clients explore their desires and boundaries in a safe and consensual manner.

But don't let the k!nk aspect overshadow the breadth of Matthew's expertise. With an MBA and an MS in public health, Matthew offers a holistic approach to personal development, drawing from his educational background, extensive training, and real-life experiences. Whether you prefer to call him a Personal Growth Advisor, Transformational Partner, Mindset Mentor, or Healing Dom, Matthew's mission remains the same–to help you overcome obstacles, validate your desires, and fulfill your goals–to allow you to achieve the life you desire.

Why isn't Matthew licensed? Simply put, he believes that growth knows no boundaries. Unlike licensed therapists who are restricted to working within a specific state or province, Matthew chooses to work with clients regardless of their geographical location. He refuses to let geography dictate who he can help and is committed to supporting clients wherever they may be on their journey toward personal fulfillment.

The STIR Institute

The STIR Institute, founded by Matthew Riven, is a unique center that blends various disciplines to foster healing and transformation. 

STIR represents a fusion of psychology, s_exuality, desire, business acumen, public health, and Conscious K!nk, all working together to empower individuals and enhance their well-being.

S - S_x: At the core of our existence lies the pursuit of pleasure. Whether it's the quest for physical sensations, emotional fulfillment, or intellectual stimulation, our desires drive us to explore, create, and connect in ways that enrich our lives. Let's embrace pleasure as a guiding force in shaping our experiences and making life more enjoyable.

T - Trauma: Trauma is an inevitable part of the human experience. Whether it's big or small, every traumatic event leaves its mark, shaping our perceptions and influencing our behaviors. Our mission is to help individuals navigate through their traumas, guiding them towards healing, peace, and understanding.

I - Intimacy: We all crave intimacy, yet many of us fear it. Fear of vulnerability and lack of trust often hinder our ability to form meaningful connections. At STIR, we recognize the importance of emotional, physical, and intellectual intimacy, both with others and with ourselves. We're here to support you in cultivating deeper, more authentic connections that enrich your life.

R - Relationships: Humans are inherently social beings, reliant on relationships for survival and well-being. However, in today's fast-paced world, loneliness has become an epidemic. We believe in the power of relationships to nurture and sustain us. Whether it's fostering healthier relationships with ourselves or with others, we're committed to helping you build the meaningful connections you crave.


STIR Institute 5 Pillars

Awareness: We promote self-awareness and mindfulness in exploring k!nk, encouraging individuals to understand their desires, boundaries, and intentions with clarity and honesty.

Consent: Consent is paramount in conscious k!nk practices. We emphasize the importance of clear communication, negotiation, and respect for boundaries to ensure that all interactions are consensual and mutually satisfying.

Connection:Conscious k!nk is about more than just physical acts—it's about fostering deep connections and meaningful relationships. We help individuals cultivate intimacy, trust, and vulnerability in their k!nk dynamics, creating spaces where authentic connections can flourish.

Exploration: We encourage curiosity and exploration in k!nk, inviting individuals to discover new sensations, experiences, and roles in a safe and supportive environment. Through exploration, individuals can uncover hidden desires, expand their comfort zones, and embrace their true selves.

Transformation: Conscious k!nk has the power to facilitate profound personal transformation. By engaging with k!nk mindfully and intentionally, individuals can explore aspects of themselves, heal from past traumas, and cultivate self-acceptance and empowerment. At STIR Institute, we support individuals on their journey of self-discovery and transformation through conscious k!nk practices.

We offer a holistic approach to personal growth and transformation, integrating diverse perspectives and practices to support you on your journey toward healing, fulfillment, and empowerment.

While the activity here may sound like ‘therapy’ it is not, and should not take the place of working with a licensed therapist. 


Contact: https://stirinstitute.com/contact-us

2024 . All rights reserved

Who am I?

Master Riven (he/him/Sir/Professor)

Meet Matthew Riven, a seasoned practitioner with a diverse skill set and a passion for guiding individuals toward personal growth and transformation. With over fifteen years of experience in Transactional Analysis and somatic therapies, Matthew brings a unique perspective to his work. He’s trained at the SouthEast Institute in Cary, NC, and the SagePoint Institute in Ann Arbor, MI. He’s received a Dom(me) Mastery Certification in Conscious K!nk & Domination Techniques from &More in Austin, TX—yes, it's a real thing! He is currently a teaching assistant in this year’s Dom(me) Mastery Training certification course.  As a professionally-trained Dom, Matthew specializes in using k!nk within a somatic framework, helping clients explore their desires and boundaries in a safe and consensual manner.But don't let the k!nk aspect overshadow the breadth of Matthew's expertise. With an MBA and an MS in public health, Matthew offers a holistic approach to personal development, drawing from his educational background, extensive training, and real-life experiences. Whether you prefer to call him a Personal Growth Advisor, Transformational Partner, Mindset Mentor, or Healing Dom, Matthew's mission remains the same–to help you overcome obstacles, validate your desires, and fulfill your goals–to allow you to achieve the life you desire.Why isn't Matthew licensed? Simply put, he believes that growth knows no boundaries. Unlike licensed therapists who are restricted to working within a specific state or province, Matthew chooses to work with clients regardless of their geographical location. He refuses to let geography dictate who he can help and is committed to supporting clients wherever they may be on their journey toward personal fulfillment.

The STIR Institute

The STIR Institute is the creation of Matthew Riven.  It is a center built upon the culmination of a number of routes of study.  STIR is a mix of psychology, s_ex, desire, business, public health, and Conscious K!nk, and how bringing all this together can create such healing.  The acronym “STIR” reflects all of this.

  • S- S_x

    For our desires.  Our pursuit of pleasure is the underlying force propelling much of human behavior, influencing our decisions, actions, and interactions with the world around us. Whether seeking physical sensation, emotional fulfillment, or intellectual stimulation, the desire for pleasure motivates us to explore, create, and connect in ways that enrich our lives and define our experiences.  Let’s make life more pleasurable!

  • T- Trauma

    Everyone has trauma.  No one gets out of childhood unscathed, and as adults there are infinitely more ways for trauma to find us. Whether it’s big-T trauma or little-T trauma, every traumatic experience impacts us and how we work through life.  Helping people heal their traumas to get to peace and understanding is our goal.

  • I- Intimacy

    We crave intimacy and yet fear it deeply.  We are scared of being vulnerable and don’t trust others to see us and hear us for who we are.  Yet we all need intimacy- emotional, physical, and intellectual intimacy…with others and with ourselves!  We work with you to build a deeper, more powerful intimacy for yourself and for others.

  • R- Relationships

    Whether with ourselves or others, humans are an innately connected species.  We are born requiring the assistance of others to stay alive.  From this moment forward, relationships are key to our survival and our health.  There is an epidemic of loneliness in the world, and we are here to help you create the relationships you crave in your world.