Claim Your Power In Both Leadership And Followership

Welcome to the STIR Institute, where we invite you to a journey of self-discovery and transformation. Are you ready to delve deep into the core of your being and uncover what truly stirs within you? 

Led by Matthew Riven, the STIR Institute provides a supportive and nurturing environment where you will unlock the depths of your desires and harness them to create the life of your wildest dreams.

If you're ready to embrace authenticity, empowerment, and growth–you've come to the right place! 


Claim Your Power In Both

Leadership And Followership

Welcome to the STIR Institute, where we invite you to a journey of self-discovery and transformation. Are you ready to delve deep into the core of your being and uncover what truly stirs within you? 

Led by Master Riven, the STIR Institute provides a supportive and nurturing environment where you will unlock the depths of your desires and harness them to create the life of your wildest dreams.

If you're ready to embrace authenticity, empowerment, and growth–you've come to the right place! 

Unravel the Depths of Your Desires,

Create the Dreams of Where Your Life Can Go

Find Passion In All That You Do

If you've ever been curious about what hides beneath the surface of your everyday existence, if you've felt a whisper (or a scream) of longing for something more, then STIR Institute is for you.

STIR Institute is for those who are tired of living life on autopilot, who crave deeper connections, richer experiences, and a greater sense of purpose.

Do you ever wonder why you keep feeling trapped? Do you feel you’re too overwhelmed to even dream of what your life could be, then STIR Institute is for you. 

STIR Institute is for those of you who are too overwhelmed to think of tomorrow and want the ability to dream big dreams…and fulfill them.

STIR is for the dreamers, the seekers, and the adventurers at heart —those who are ready to peel back the layers of conditioning, shed the weight of expectations, and step into the fullness of who they are meant to be.

Whether you're struggling to break free from the grip of shame or the limitations you learned early on, yearning to unlock your true potential, or simply desire a guide to accompany you on your journey, the STIR Institute welcomes you with open arms.

We provide a nurturing environment and expert guidance to help you navigate this profound inner exploration.

Here, you'll find a space where you can explore, experiment, and express yourself freely, supported by a like-minded mentor who has been on this same path of discovery.

What stirs within you is DESIRE!

But you feel you can’t have it!  You want more out of life. You want to be free of the shackles of fear, guilt, and shame…but everybody treats desire like it’s taboo

At the heart of STIR Institute beats a profound desire to liberate individuals from limitations that restrict their intuitive pursuit of pleasure.

In a world where desires are too frequently whispered in hushed tones, we dare to proclaim:

Desire is NOT a dirty word.

What is it you desire?







At STIR we help you create the relationships you want in the boardroom and the bedroom (we don’t limit you to where your desires take you.)

Our story begins with Matthew Riven, who, like many of us, grappled with life's uncertainties and unmet desires. And from this struggle, Matthew uncovered a powerful truth…

In a world where desires are too frequently whispered in hushed tones, we dare to proclaim:

Rarely do we ever get encouraged to safely discover and practice what truly makes us feel good, because the norms suggest that desire is bad.

We’ve been told: "You can’t have more, because that’s greedy."

"You can’t love yourself, because that’s being selfish."

"You can’t be successful, because that’s not serving others."

"You can’t explore your sensuality, because that’s


"You can’t feel good about your body, because that makes others uncomfortable."

Add it all together: You can’t desire pleasure, because that’s shameful.

The social rules that were meant to keep us safe have dictated what is acceptable and what is taboo, and we tend to look at each other in judgment, disdain, and envy.

We are here to challenge these norms and create a safe space for individuals to explore and embrace their desires without feeling less than. At the STIR Institute, we believe that pleasure is a fundamental human right—one that should be embraced, nurtured, and enjoyed. 

So, if you’re ready to let go of what weighs your soul and heart down, dive deep into the ocean of your desires, and emerge as the vibrant, radiant being you were always meant to be, then come join us at the STIR Institute.

Desire – and pleasure – is one of our great expressions and is essential to living our lives to the fullest. And like most individual expressions, desire has been greatly suppressed.

Boundless Potential Awaits You.

Are you ready to delve deep into the core of your

being and uncover what truly stirs within you?

I see your pain, and went through it as well-

Let Me Tell You a Story:

Once upon a time, I was the epitome of conformity.

I was raised to be a ‘boy scout’, the boy version of a ‘good girl’.  For years, I played the part of the good boy, burying my desires beneath a facade of compliance, convinced that sacrificing my true self was the price of acceptance. But deep down, beneath the layers of conditioning, a fire burned—a longing for something more, something real.

I remember how fear, shame, and guilt were my only willing companions. Perhaps you can relate—maybe you've hidden parts of yourself away, afraid of judgment, rejection, or even your own desires. It's a lonely place to be, lost in the labyrinth of your own mind, yearning for connection yet paralyzed by the fear of being seen.

It's suffocating, isn't it? The relentless whispers of society dictate who you should be and what you should want. The endless tug-of-war between who you are and who you're supposed to be.

But something they don't tell you is that the cost of this suppression is high—for most of us, it manifests as anger, anxiety, and regret. What I thought would grant me a sense of belonging had turned into a ball and chain, weighing me down, and dragging me even deeper into the darkness.

I tried everything. I tried to reason with myself. I tried a new hobby. I tried meditation. I even tried meds, but nothing worked. Everything just hurt, but I was so detached from my own experience that I couldn't possibly fathom just how hurt I actually was. Fortunately, I found a therapist who specialized in Transactional Analysis and Somatic Therapies. 

Through this process, I unearthed the origins of my anger and self-sabotage, confronting the conditioning that had held me captive for so long. It was like shining a light into the darkest corners of my psyche, illuminating the path to my authentic self. 

Slowly, but surely I found myself getting more and more in tune with who I am, who I want to be, and who I want to keep being. After all that shadow work, something in me slowly unraveled, and I felt free. I was free to give myself permission to be successful and happy.

I'm finally free to try new things. Things that I've always wanted to do. Things that will inevitably have an expansive impact on me and those around me. Transactional Analysis left such a profound impact on me that I pursued formal training, eager to continue my journey of self-discovery and help others along the way. 

But amidst all this growth, there was one area I hadn't fully liberated—my s_xual desires. Why was I holding back? Why hadn't I set myself free in that realm? So, I ventured into partnerships and explored the community, gradually immersing myself. As is typical of me, I dove in head first. This exploration led me to undergo training as a professional Dom, the masculine counterpart to a professional Dominatrix. In this role, I uncovered a profound intersection between psychological understanding and sensual expression, a synergy that continues to shape my journey.

As it turns out when you embrace your desires, you unlock a world of delight, excitement, and satisfaction. Whether it's in the boardroom or the bedroom, every action stems from a desire to fulfill our deepest longings—for happiness, for success, for pleasure.With this newfound clarity and my deep interest in the psychology of desire, I set out to create STIR Institute—a refuge for people ready to break free from the chains of suppression and reclaim their most authentic and powerful selves.

It's time to honor your desires, embrace your true potential, and step into the life you've always wanted. Pleasure is powerful, and it’s already stirring within you, what else are you waiting for?

I See You. I Hear You.

Isn’t this what we all want in our lives?

A feeling of trust and safety and authenticity and vulnerability. Knowing you have a space where you can be yourself, and have your desires and your dreams…and fulfill them…while being supported and loved!

For many of us, our desires are unconscious and come from an unhealthy place. So at STIR we make the unconscious conscious…and the desires we have become healthier, and fulfilling them becomes possible. And pleasurable. Fulfilling HEALTHY desires is what leads to the life we want. 

Because you deserve to be seen and heard.

Because you deserve to receive what you desire.

Because you deserve to BE your most authentic and audacious self.

How Matthew Helped Me

Yvonne H. (Used With Permission)

“Before meeting Matthew, I was living in the shadows of my doubt and perceived limitations - a shadow cast not by my own making but by the beliefs instilled in me since childhood. I was taught to be seen and not heard, to place others' needs before my own, and to silence my desires. 

I was just existing, my true potential just a whisper in the background.

But everything changed when I started working with Matthew. Calling Matthew a master of empowerment would be an understatement. He didn't just guide me; he ignited a transformation within me that I didn't think was possible. 

Matthew's unique approach to the art of pacing and leading, through the use of dom/sub energies, has helped break down the walls I unconsciously built around myself.Working with Matthew, I learned that my voice is not just meant to be heard but to be listened to. 

I discovered that asking for what I want is not just permissible; it's essential for my growth and happiness. Transforming these lessons into action, I've seen remarkable growth in both my personal and business life. 

My business is not only growing; it's thriving with clarity and purpose. My communication with my team has evolved to a level I never thought possible. We're not just working together; we're growing together, thanks to the tools and strategies Matthew has equipped me with.

Matthew has taught me that true power comes from within, and with his guidance, I've been able to fully step into my power. 

Today, I show up unapologetically in every aspect of my life. I am a testament to the transformative journey Matthew facilitates.

For anyone who feels stuck, silenced, or unseen, working with Matthew is not just a step towards change; it's a leap into a life you deserve—a life where you are empowered, heard, and profoundly seen. Let Matthew be the catalyst for your transformation. Trust me, it's a decision you'll thank yourself for, over and over again.”

You’re Safe Here

Step into a sanctuary where your desires are honored, your boundaries respected, and your emotions embraced. At STIR Institute, we understand the courage it takes to explore the depths of your desires and vulnerabilities. 

Here, you're a valued member of our community, on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. So take a deep breath, keep your mind open, and trust that you're in good hands. Your transformation has already begun!

Here's why you’re safe with us:

1. Confidentiality: Everything we talk about is confidential. Your identity won’t be disclosed. Period.

2. Consent: Your consent will be received for everything we do before we do it. We’ll discuss our plan before we begin. Your boundaries will be adhered to. “Yes” will mean “yes.” “No will mean “no.” “I’m not sure” is a “no.” “Ummmm…” is a “no.” And both your “yes’s” and your “no’s” will be celebrated. Thank you for taking care of yourself.

3. Your emotions are welcome: All the feelings that you have and those that come up during our work, will be respected and celebrated. It’s ok to be angry or hurt and to express those emotions. There is more room out here than inside you, and the best way to heal those feelings is to let them out.

What we ask in return is your willingness to experience your desires and your power; be vulnerable to your feelings and hurt and be open to the changes that are possible. If you’re not fully ready yet, STIR can work with you. We know it takes time to get there. 

Free your desires through

Psychology, Conscious K!nk, and Somatic Work

Our programs are designed to guide you on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and transformation.

Through a unique blend of coaching, mentorship, and proven techniques, Matthew will help you:

  • Foster deeper connections, intimacy, and trust in your relationships, with yourself and others.

  • Gain clarity, understanding, and control over your deepest desires.

  • Move past trauma and limitations to live a life of authenticity and fulfillment.

  • Embrace your desires without shame, guilt, or judgment.

Experience profound breakthroughs in your business and personal relationships.

How can we STIR you?

When it comes to personal transformation, there's no one-size-fits-all approach. That's why at STIR Institute, we offer a unique and personalized experience guided by Matthew Riven himself. 

1. Personalized Approach: Unlike traditional self-help methods, Matthew Riven provides personalized guidance tailored to your individual needs and goals. With his expertise in psychology, somatic work, and Conscious K!nk, you'll receive customized support to help you navigate your journey with confidence and clarity.

2. Holistic Support: We believe in addressing the mind, body, and soul in our approach to transformation. Matthew Riven will equip you with practical tools and techniques to support your growth on all levels, ensuring a holistic and comprehensive transformational experience.

3. Unwavering Encouragement: Transformation can be challenging, but you won't have to go it alone. Matthew Riven will be with you every step of the way, offering unwavering encouragement, guidance, and support to help you overcome obstacles and reach your fullest potential.

The Gains from This Unique Experience

Here's a glimpse into the potential immediate and long-term benefits of intentionally partaking in this intimate journey together…

STIR Session Potential Immediate Benefits 

  • Increased Self-Awareness: Through guided introspection and dialogue, working with Matthew Riven can lead to a deeper understanding of your desires, boundaries, and emotional needs.

  • Stress Relief: Addressing concerns and challenges in a supportive environment can provide immediate relief from stress, anxiety, and confusion.

  • Improved Communication: Learning effective communication skills and negotiation techniques can enhance your ability to express your needs and desires in various aspects of life, leading to healthier relationships and interactions.

  • Exploration and Experimentation: The safe and non-judgmental space provided by Matthew Riven allows for exploration and experimentation with new ideas, roles, and experiences, leading to personal growth and self-discovery.

  • Validation and Acceptance: Feeling heard, understood, and accepted by a compassionate and empathetic guide can provide validation and affirmation of your feelings and experiences, boosting self-esteem and confidence.

STIR Session Potential Long-term Benefits

  • Personal Growth and Transformation: Continued sessions with STIR can facilitate ongoing personal growth and transformation, leading to greater self-awareness, resilience, and empowerment.

  • Healing from Past Trauma: Working through past traumas and emotional wounds can lead to healing and closure, allowing you to move forward with a renewed sense of wholeness and well-being.

  • Enhanced Intimacy and Relationships: Developing healthier communication patterns, boundaries, and emotional regulation skills can lead to deeper and more fulfilling connections with others, both romantically and platonically.

  • Increased Resilience and Coping Skills: Learning effective coping mechanisms and stress management techniques can help you navigate life's challenges with greater ease and resilience, improving overall mental and emotional well-being.

  • Authentic Living: Embracing your true desires, values, and identity can empower you to live authentically and unapologetically, leading to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

Ready to Work?

Are you ready to discover what stirs within you? Working with Matthew Riven at the STIR Institute offers a transformative journey toward self-discovery, growth, and empowerment. 



Experience a unique blend of techniques tailored to your individual needs.

The STIR approach combines Transactional Analysis, somatic techniques, and Conscious K!nk to guide you on a transformative journey towards self-discovery, growth, and healing. Through insightful conversations and targeted interventions, you'll gain a deeper understanding of yourself, your desires, and your relationships.



Everyone, everyone, has trauma.

Explore the profound connection between your mind and body through somatic work. By focusing on bodily sensations and experiences, we'll unravel the layers of emotion and trauma stored within you. Through gentle exercises and mindfulness techniques, you'll learn to process and release pent-up emotions, paving the way for healing and transformation from the inside out.

Conscious K!nk


Step into a realm of empowered k!nk-enhanced exploration.

Integrating elements of BD$M and k!nk dynamics, we'll create a safe and consensual space for you to explore your desires, boundaries, and personal growth. This unique approach fosters deeper intimacy, communication, and self-discovery, empowering you to embrace your authentic self and unleash your full potential.



Nurture and strengthen your relationships through dedicated sessions focused on communication, conflict resolution, and intimacy-building.

Whether you're navigating challenges with a partner or seeking to deepen connections with loved ones, our relationship services provide a supportive and constructive environment for growth and healing.



Embark on a journey of healing and empowerment as we address past traumas and reclaim your sense of safety and autonomy.

Through compassionate guidance and evidence-based techniques, you'll learn to acknowledge and process old wounds, liberating yourself from the grip of past experiences and embracing life with renewed resilience and empowerment.

S_X and Kink

Why the focus on s_x?

It’s no surprise we have so many issues around s_x. We’re not allowed to say it, bring it up, talk about it - and I can’t even write the word on this website. Why not? Most payment companies won’t work with any business that includes s_x on their webpage. We, as a society, don’t talk about it, parents don’t know how to discuss it, and schools certainly can’t teach it. And that’s just for vanilla s_x!! If your interests include k!nk (first, good for you!), we certainly can’t talk about that on this page or in society. So where are you supposed to go? 

We talk WITH you, openly and honestly.  Do you sometimes (or all the time) feel shame or guilt or judgment about s_x?  We understand and we promise not to “yuck your yum” but talk with you like adults.  If you sometimes feel silly, “icky”, or uncomfortable bringing this up, that’s OK, too.  We will make sure you feel safe and secure, so you can bring up these topics; because this is usually where the growth is! 

Are you straight, gay, bi, monogamous, polyamorous, or curious? 

Are you in a closed relationship, ethically non-monogamous? 

All of these situations are fine with us, and we can help you work through any issues you have creating the relationship and life you want.  

Why work on your s_xual desires?  If you don’t know how to ask your partner for what you want in the bedroom, how can you talk to them about finances or jobs or kids?  What if you want to explore k!nk and other non-vanilla desires? We can help you talk about that, too. There are many ways we can show you how you can get what you want! Not just in the bedroom, but in your relationships and in life. Expansion doesn’t happen in just one direction; all aspects of your life can grow as a result of these therapy techniques. 

Changing ourselves can be difficult. We have spent years not only building and refining patterns in our lives but also creating self-defense mechanisms that we think will prevent us from getting hurt. (Spoiler: they don’t.) But it is behind those defenses where the change happens. S__ual energy is deeply personal, and working here allows you to get past your defenses and to the life you want. In and out of the bedroom!



has trauma. No one gets out of childhood unscathed. It doesn’t have to be PTSD from a military battle, or childhood s–xual or physical abuse. How we are raised, how we fit within our family of origin, and other facets of our history all impact how we relate to the world around us. Whether it is Big-T Trauma or Little-t trauma, there are no small traumas; each one impacts us and our ability to function and grow. Our childhood coping mechanisms simply don’t work in the ‘adult’ world. Those games just lead to resentment and anger and frustration from us and others. Plus, our flight/fight/freeze/fawn responses don’t serve us at all once the situation is over. Yet we continue to live our life in the shadow of our traumas. 

So we work with you to break those mechanisms. We help you find your way through the trauma to get to peace and understanding. There are many ways we get past your past. You’re not going to forget what occurred. That’s not possible and that’s not healthy. But we can help you understand it and see it fully and most importantly we can help you find your way through to peace. 



Intimacy is a deep and emotional connection between individuals or within yourself. It involves sharing personal thoughts, feelings, and experiences with someone in a way that creates a sense of closeness, trust, and vulnerability. But all too often we don’t allow ourselves intimacy; we are too scared to be vulnerable, we have been hurt in the past, and we don’t trust others. As a society we don’t do a good job of teaching s_x, do you think we’re going to be doing better at intimacy? 

Yet we need intimacy in all its various forms: emotional, physical, and intellectual intimacy. These are the connections–and boundaries–that create peace within ourselves and beauty between people. We work on all three forms of intimacy to help create the bonds we seek within ourselves and with others. This vulnerability can be the scariest thing we work with and this is where the amazing happens!

What is theirs? What is mine? What is ours? Are you showing up to learn about your partner or defend your position? When people think of relationships, they think of romantic ones. But what about friendships? Family? Professional relationships and casual relationships? What impacts our romantic relationships often impacts ALL the other relationships we have. What prevents our romantic relationships from growing often prevents growth in our other relationships (e.g.: simple friendships or connections with your employer/employees).

When you work on one type of relationship the others improve as well. This isn’t just about you and your partner (or your future partner) but about ALL your relationships. We’re not here just to focus on your romance, but we focus on all aspects of your life to make all your relationships more fulfilling. And yes…we will focus on your romantic and intimate relationships!


Discover What STIRs Within

Schedule a Consultation Today!

Ready to stir the power of desire and pleasure to elevate your life to new heights? 

Schedule your complimentary 30-minute discovery call with STIR, and let's explore if we're the perfect fit to unleash your fullest potential. 

No strings attached, just an opportunity to connect and explore your desires, uncover hidden potentials, and ignite the flames of your authentic self. 

I'll be here to listen, support, and guide you every step of the way.

Come, your transformation awaits.

No blogs found

I've seen a therapist. Even a s_x therapist. Why is this different. Psychologist and psychiatrists, great with traumas and family-of-origin work, typically don't get deep into vanilla s_xual issues, let alone non-vanilla. S_x therapists are great with these issues, but may not have deep experience with other issues.

-The Work-

What this looks like

Somatic Release:

Somatic therapy explores the connection between the mind and body, helping individuals process emotions and trauma through bodily sensations and experiences.

Dom Work:

K!nk-enhanced therapy integrates elements of BD$M and k!nk dynamics to explore desires, boundaries, and personal growth within a consensual and empowering framework.  This fosters deeper intimacy, communication, and self-discovery.

Relationship Work:

Relationship therapy focuses on improving communication, resolving conflicts, and fostering deeper connection and intimacy between partners.

Trauma Healing:

Healing trauma involves acknowledging past experiences, understanding that old triggers may no longer happen, and learning to navigate life with a renewed sense of safety and empowerment, 

Who am I?

Master Riven (he/him/Sir/Professor)

Meet Matthew Riven, a seasoned practitioner with a diverse skill set and a passion for guiding individuals toward personal growth and transformation. With over fifteen years of experience in Transactional Analysis and somatic therapies, Matthew brings a unique perspective to his work. He’s trained at the SouthEast Institute in Cary, NC, and the SagePoint Institute in Ann Arbor, MI. He’s received a Dom(me) Mastery Certification in Conscious K!nk & Domination Techniques from &More in Austin, TX—yes, it's a real thing! He is currently a teaching assistant in this year’s Dom(me) Mastery Training certification course.  As a professionally-trained Dom, Matthew specializes in using k!nk within a somatic framework, helping clients explore their desires and boundaries in a safe and consensual manner.But don't let the k!nk aspect overshadow the breadth of Matthew's expertise. With an MBA and an MS in public health, Matthew offers a holistic approach to personal development, drawing from his educational background, extensive training, and real-life experiences. Whether you prefer to call him a Personal Growth Advisor, Transformational Partner, Mindset Mentor, or Healing Dom, Matthew's mission remains the same–to help you overcome obstacles, validate your desires, and fulfill your goals–to allow you to achieve the life you desire.Why isn't Matthew licensed? Simply put, he believes that growth knows no boundaries. Unlike licensed therapists who are restricted to working within a specific state or province, Matthew chooses to work with clients regardless of their geographical location. He refuses to let geography dictate who he can help and is committed to supporting clients wherever they may be on their journey toward personal fulfillment.

The STIR Institute

The STIR Institute is the creation of Matthew Riven.  It is a center built upon the culmination of a number of routes of study.  STIR is a mix of psychology, s_ex, desire, business, public health, and Conscious K!nk, and how bringing all this together can create such healing.  The acronym “STIR” reflects all of this.

  • S- S_x

    For our desires.  Our pursuit of pleasure is the underlying force propelling much of human behavior, influencing our decisions, actions, and interactions with the world around us. Whether seeking physical sensation, emotional fulfillment, or intellectual stimulation, the desire for pleasure motivates us to explore, create, and connect in ways that enrich our lives and define our experiences.  Let’s make life more pleasurable!

  • T- Trauma

    Everyone has trauma.  No one gets out of childhood unscathed, and as adults there are infinitely more ways for trauma to find us. Whether it’s big-T trauma or little-T trauma, every traumatic experience impacts us and how we work through life.  Helping people heal their traumas to get to peace and understanding is our goal.

  • I- Intimacy

    We crave intimacy and yet fear it deeply.  We are scared of being vulnerable and don’t trust others to see us and hear us for who we are.  Yet we all need intimacy- emotional, physical, and intellectual intimacy…with others and with ourselves!  We work with you to build a deeper, more powerful intimacy for yourself and for others.

  • R- Relationships

    Whether with ourselves or others, humans are an innately connected species.  We are born requiring the assistance of others to stay alive.  From this moment forward, relationships are key to our survival and our health.  There is an epidemic of loneliness in the world, and we are here to help you create the relationships you crave in your world.  

What STIR Institute is NOT

The STIR Institute is NOT a s_x service.

While we personally know and love s_x workers, according to U.S. laws, s_x work is illegal. STIR Institute is not here to provide s_x, but rather to help you come to terms with your own needs and gain a more fulfilling life in every aspect of things (including s_x and k!nk).

Why we can’t use the words ‘s_x’ and ‘k!nk’   

Because in this society we’d be blacklisted.  If the financial services industry just thinks a business is providing s_xual services you can find yourself banned from receiving and making payments.  Because social media companies remove content and ban profiles or those who even discuss s_x, k!nk, BD$M, etc.

In this society and online we can’t even talk about a fundamental part of our existence. And you wonder why so many are repressed or confused about healthy expressions of pleasure?!?

Youtube Channel Coming Soon!

Youtube, Instagram, Course Announcement, join here.

Client success


 “The safe space you created and reinforce for me… through fantasy play, you asking what I need, and pushing my comfort zone just enough without causing boundaries allowed me to step into my power and be okay whatever the result of my text to him would be.”


STIR Services

Personal Sessions

Personal Sessions $250/hour, $450/2 Hours

In our consultations, we’ll build a container of trust. A place where you can feel safe to bring out the parts of yourself that scare you or disappoint you. A safe place to talk about what you feel you are lacking and what you want. A safe place for you to sit with your emotions. Like any therapy session, we’ll set out and discover what you want to change, build a plan, and help you execute on that plan.

We are happy to meet with you in-office or virtually. If you’re more comfortable meeting in a coffee shop, restaurant, or even out for a walk, we can do that.

Initial Chat: We are happy to chat with you on the phone for 15-30 minutes or so to see if we are a good fit for you, at no cost, but all in-office/zoom/local sessions are billed at the full rate. 

If we determine that another advisor or therapist is warranted, we have a number of options we can refer you to, seeking the best match for your needs.

Couples Sessions

Couple Sessions $300/hour, $550/2 hours

Couple Sessions follow everything from Personal Sessions, except they include multiple.

The STIR Institute welcomes all sexes, genders, and orientations. We welcome all types of couples (or other non-monogamous arrangements). We are experienced working with monogamous relationships, open relationships, polyamory, and couples working to discover what they want. 

Group Sessions

Our group therapy sessions provide a supportive and nurturing environment for individuals and couples (or throples, etc) facing similar challenges and seeking personal growth. Group sessions offer a unique opportunity to connect with others, share experiences, and work towards your goal in a supportive, guided environment.

Participants engage in open discussions, guided activities, and therapeutic exercises tailored to address the various needs of the group members. Our group therapy sessions offer a safe space to explore, learn, and grow alongside others on similar journeys.  We’ve often found that treatment happens more quickly in a structured group environment.

Join us and discover the power of community support in your healing and growth process.

Group Sessions are themed and coming soon to the calendar

Follow us @stirinstitute

Frequently Ask Questions

“I’ve never heard of this before, so I’m curious… what is a Healing Dom?”

Drawing from Transactional Analysis, somatic therapies, and professional domination techniques, Matthew Riven offers a distinctive approach to supporting individuals in their journey of self-discovery, growth, and healing from past traumas. Leveraging Transactional Analysis theory, he delves into clients' thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, while incorporating somatic techniques to connect mind and body. 

With his expertise as a professional Dom, Matthew provides a safe and supportive environment for exploring power dynamics and boundaries, facilitating personal growth while prioritizing the client's well-being.

How do Sessions Work?

I utilize a combination of talk therapy and somatic techniques and Dom/sub dynamics to guide clients in understanding their emotions, behaviors, and desires more deeply. Through talk and  exercises clients can confront limiting beliefs, develop coping strategies, and explore new perspectives. My goal is to support clients in embracing their authenticity, exploring their boundaries, and creating healthier patterns of thought and behavior. I'm committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment where clients can explore their deepest emotions and experiences, fostering personal growth and transformation.

I’m worried about the Dom part?

Rest assured, our approach prioritizes your comfort, safety, and personal growth. The vast majority of our work is talking and somatic exercises.  My Dom training provides me with an understanding of issues of control, submission, leadership, and resistance that enhances our talk/somatic sessions.  If, and it is an ‘if’, we mutually decide to use any k!nk-aware technique, nothing will happen without your consent.  All activities are consensual and pre-negotiated with clear boundaries and ongoing communication. Shouldn't all activities in your life be that way? I’ve always found it amusing how k!nk techniques show us how our regular lives should be!  

“What are Master Riven’s credentials, if I may be so bold to ask?”

With over 15 years of experience in Transactional Analysis, extensive training in somatic work, and specialized professional domination training, Matthew offers a unique blend of expertise in his practice. His journey began as a client, it inspired him to dive deeper into TA theory, hands-on training, and somatic techniques to facilitate healing and growth. 

With a background encompassing 25 years of experience in business, an MBA, and an MS in Public Health, Matthew provides a holistic approach to this work that extends beyond the bedroom and into all aspects of his clients' lives.

Who can Benefit from this Form of Therapy?

Whether you're navigating emotional challenges, seeking personal growth, or exploring your relationships, my integrated approach offers a safe and supportive space for exploration and transformation. If you are looking to address issues in both your personal and professional arenas, you can find valuable insights and tools to expand your life.

Is this form of Therapy Confidential?

Trust, and therefore confidentiality, is critical to our sessions. All information shared during our sessions is kept strictly confidential and will not be disclosed to anyone without your explicit consent. Your privacy and trust are of the utmost importance, and we are committed to maintaining a safe and secure environment for our work. If you have any concerns or questions about confidentiality, please don't hesitate to discuss them with me.

How do I know if This is Right for Me?

Ultimately, trust your instincts and consider scheduling an initial consultation to discuss your goals, concerns, and whether this approach aligns with your needs and preferences.

What is the Expected Outcome of the Therapy?

The expected outcome of this therapy framework includes increased self-awareness, emotional resilience, and personal empowerment. Through exploration of emotions, thoughts, and behaviors within a safe and supportive environment, clients can gain deeper insights into themselves and their relationships. Additionally, the integration of somatic therapy and BDSM dynamics may facilitate healing from past traumas, enhanced intimacy, and improved communication skills. Overall, the goal is to empower clients to navigate life's challenges with greater confidence, authenticity, and fulfillment.

How can I prepare for my first session?

To prepare for your first session, take some time to reflect on your goals, concerns, and what you hope to gain from therapy. Consider jotting down any thoughts or questions you'd like to discuss with me. Ensure you're in a comfortable and private space for the session, free from distractions, where you feel safe to open up and explore.


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