Welcome to STIR Institute

What is it that you want to be feeling?

Do you feel that something is missing? 

In your relationships or your work? 

Do you feel that you could have more…but you’re not sure what more is?

Maybe you know what is missing-but you don't know how to find it- 


You don't know how to stop yourself from getting in your own way?

When you do get what you want, how do you want to feel






Able to handle anything that comes your way.  

Do you want to feel that way in the bedroom? 

Or the boardroom?  

Or is it both? 

Do you know you can have it all?  

You CAN feel confident and capable.

You CAN handle everything that comes your way,

In the bedroom,

In the boardroom,

And all points in between.

Coming soon, the STIR Institute, combining talk therapy, somatic therapy and er_tic intimacy (re: k_ink) to help you take control of your life.